...swimmin' the Jordan...
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
...a God of order...
Webster's Third New International Dictionary takes up almost two full columns on this word "order." The second definition given is, "to arrange or dispose according to some plan or with reference to some end : put in a particular order : arrange in a series or sequence
So how can God be a God of order in all the craziness and when so much doesn't make sense?
What about families that have a child for a short time, then lose that precious child to illness or tragedy? Is that order?
What about when a child you've raised to love Jesus turns their back on the Lord? Is that order?
What about when you lose a job, then get a job, then lose that job? Was that all God's plan? Is it order? It sure doesn't seem like it.
The list of stories and situations could go on and on. We only need to look at the news for 5 minutes to see the chaos all around us. There's a whole lot in this world that doesn't make sense.
"God is a God of order" - I didn't feel I could agree with this statement so I went searching for understanding. I found plenty of times in the Bible where things just don't make sense:
Tamar - she was married twice (at separate times) to two brothers who refused to give her children. So God took the brother's lives. Then Tamar had to dress and act as a prostitute to trick Judah (brothers' father) into giving her what was rightfully and customarily her's - a son. Doesn't sound orderly to me! But, Tamar is in the lineage of Jesus Christ.
Jericho - I wonder if the Israelites thought it was orderly to walk around the walls of Jericho. How on earth would the walls fall just by walking around them? But they obeyed. God brought the walls down. And, a woman and her family were saved from Jericho. The woman's name is Rahab, and she also is in the lineage of Jesus Christ. Oh, and, by the way, Rahab was... a... shhh... prostitute. Orderly?
Ruth - Wow! The brazenness of Ruth. In a culture when women must know their place and stay in it, Ruth answered the call of the Lord and laid at the feet of the one she was to marry. Was that order? Did it make sense to go against the culture? Ruth is also in the lineage of Jesus Christ.
One more...
Jesus Christ Himself. The Pharisees saw Jesus as anything but keeping order. He healed on the Sabbath. He had crowds of followers - sick, hungry, needy. He tested the Pharisees and broke the "rules." Then He, the sinless, perfect lamb of God, took upon Himself the sins of every person past, present and future - mine and yours. Orderly? Honestly, that makes NO SENSE at all.
I also found times of obvious order in the Bible: (here's a couple)
6 days of Creation - yep, seems to me there's order there. Day and night, day and night, day and night...
Animals coming to the ark - two by two and some in sevens. Yep, orderly. Noah didn't have to do anything to get the animals on the ark.
We can see order in God's creation. Again, day and night, the earth's rotation and orbiting consistent and steady, seasons, growth of plants, etc...
The difference I see in these two lists is people. With people sin and chaos entered into this world.
My conclusion.
Yes, God IS a God of order. But, NOT the order I think of as neat and tidy and making sense. My ways are not your ways saith the Lord. [For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8 KJV)] God will use the chaos of this world to bring Glory to Himself. God will even use the chaos of this world to mold us. (See the life of Job) Again - to bring glory to the Father.
It's hard to understand when you're in the midst of chaos. It's hard to say that what you're going through is what God has in His plan for you. It doesn't hurt less, when we feel we've been wronged, to trust that what we're going through is God's plan.
I wouldn't want God to take me on a different path, just because it didn't make sense to me or to avoid the pain. I want to be on the path He KNOWS is best for me. Chaos or not.
Yep, that's super scary to say. Because I do not know what is next on my path.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
...connecting the dots...
In His grace and mercy, God sometimes answers the why questions. In 2010 I had A LOT of why questions. And, honestly I was quite angry with where God was taking us at the time. The opposite was true in 2011. God had graciously poured His mercy on me and even though circumstances were much worse than the previous year I was at peace with it all and trusting God had a plan. Boy did He ever have a plan. One I am very very thankful for and content with. I still had some questions - not in an angry way, but more of a curiousness.
The past three months have been a wonderful time of God connecting the dots.
On Monday, God connected another dot for us and even though it was a small thing it was huge to me, so I wanted to share it with you all. I personally LOVE the small things because it reminds me that Jesus LOVES me so much, He not only takes care of the big situations, but He cares about the tiniest of details!
From September 2009 - September 2010 Jason worked at Mondial Assistance. At the time, we thought this job opportunity - "dot" - was a time of getting back on our feet and preparing for Jason to set out in his own business. And, while it certainly was that, I believe it was also so much more! At Mondial Assistance Jason worked with many different insurance policies and situations. He gained a lot of knowledge regarding insurance. This past Monday he was able to use all that experience in a day long meeting with an insurance company. Not only did he know the lingo, but he knew the right questions to ask! His ability to effectively communicate with the insurance company reps was extremely helpful for his current company.
As I look back I don't see that year as wasted in anyway. It was training - for such a time as this.
There are a lot more "dots" to be connected and more being made. Some may never be connected in ways that I can see or even in my lifetime, but my Jesus knows every one. He knows what I need better than I know. He cares for me in every minute detail. He also cares for you! You don't need to look far to see that He cares for you and knows you. It's all in the details of your life!
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV)
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
I know that nothing is better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God.
I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, And nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him. (Ecclesiastes 3:11-14 NKJV)
Friday, September 9, 2011
...third week of school... & ...part two...

Tuesday we crammed in two days of school and missed PE class and Boy Scouts only to discover that Wednesday and Thursday were fairly light. We'll make it to PE and Scouts next week. :) It was very nice to receive a personal call from a new friend saying that my kids were missed at PE!
We saved all the "fun" stuff for Friday; spending time at a pond so that Barry could gather "specimens" for a science experiment, making "Matthew" bookmarks, and creating sand art paintings. Tomorrow we plan to visit the bookstore and library.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
...part one...
Monday - We took a spontaneous 30 minute (one way) drive to Waynesville to visit what we believe to be the nearest Starbucks. (If any Rolla people know of a place closer, PLEASE let us know!)
Tuesday - The homeschool PE class at The Center began this day. Barry and Joelle attended and they both loved it and plan to return. Thankfully, due to MFW connections and attending church a couple times, they already knew one or two other kids their ages.
Wednesday - Erin and Barry attended youth group again at Vineyard. They both enjoyed it and met new friends. Erin was approached by a girl Barry's age. The girl said, "Your brother's cute!" Erin wasn't really sure how to respond so she said, "Thanks!" That's my boy - quite the charmer. Or, as the SMRBC girls would call him - Foxy Caleb.
Thursday - We had our first visitors from Virginia!! Mark and Linda Whitworth have roots in Missouri. They were passing through the area on their way to a family gathering in Windermere and we met them for dinner! It was great to see familiar faces and get to know them even more. We know Mark and Linda from church and Erin got to know them well during the many weeks she spent playing with Mark in the worship band at the International Learning Center.
Sometime during the week - either Wednesday or Thursday - I rearranged the furniture in the family room. It now feels a little more roomy and homey. The kitchen still drives me a little crazy. While it has more cabinet and counter space than our last house, it has a lot less walking space. Two people in the kitchen is one too many! I'm still trying to habit myself into coordinating meal times, dishes, and laundry better to make it all less frustrating. And, to think I wanted to live in a travel trailer! What was I thinking!?
Joelle has met some neighborhood girls and spent time outside playing with them this week. One of them has a treehouse and they all have scooters! :) Please pray for Joelle's continued spiritual growth and her witness in these relationships. Mine as well! So far it's been a new learning experience.
Friday - Nothing much. :) We finished school work - except for the world cake. Cleaned rooms and finished chores and laundry so we could enjoy the weekend. We had loaded potato soup for dinner in bread bowls that Jason bought from Panera. YUM! I didn't know you could buy those! Then we watched a movie together - PROM.
We had planned to go to St. Louis on Saturday, but we remembered that we have dogs. You can't just up and leave for an entire day without making plans for dogs to either be watched by someone, boarded at a kennel, or taken with. None of those options seemed feasible the night before the planned leave. It's way too hot to attempt taking them. So, we're going to stay in the area and have a relaxed Saturday.
Sunday and Monday we have plans for dinner with new friends.
Enjoy your holiday weekend!!
Friday, September 2, 2011
...second week of school...
Joelle with her "people of every nation." Well...not every nation...four nations. ☺
Our worms are okay (I think), they didn't squirm around much, so the layers didn't look as mixed up as we thought they would be. We're going to free them tomorrow.
Damian and Cameron look at Jacob with eyes full of bewilderment.
{God is upset}
CAMERON: (interrupting) Cela ne peut pas se passer ce qui devrait nous faire?
LILLIAN: यह था क्या हम इंतज़ार कर रहे थे.भगवान ने दिखाया है वह हमारे कार्यों के साथ असंतोष है.
[Crowd begins to get louder with confusion and the
SARAH: (pushing out of Abigail's arms) Nunca me olvidare de ti! Adios (walks away sobbing)
Monday, August 29, 2011
...ninja mosquitoes, bees, ticks, and a new friend...
Jason has always been one to make sure the yard looks nice. Even though someone does come mow the lawn once a week the weeding is apparently our responsibility. And, since Jason isn't one for sleeping in, he was up early on Saturday morning weeding the front yard. I, on the other hand, DO like to sleep in but instead I was woken up to help Jason tend to the bee stings he received when trying to remove a weed root ball that housed a bees nest. The little buggers got him four times - certainly could have been worse. Once on his right hand, middle knuckle and three times on his left shoulder. His shoulder seems fine, but his knuckle is swollen, red and itchy. We're keeping an eye on it.
On Sunday, we thought it might be fun to get back into Geocaching. It's been a couple years since we've been active and it's a great way to see new places in a new area. Jason found a couple postings that were close to home. We located the GPS, dressed somewhat accordingly and prepared Chester to go with us.
Within minutes we arrived at the location where we were to park and commenced to our trek into the field and woods. A few feet into the field we found a friend that tagged along with us the entire time, hitching rides on someone's hand or the GPS. He/she seemed to enjoy our company and we returned our friend to the location he/she was found when we left the area.
While on our journey through the woods to find the cache I believe we found the training grounds for the ninja mosquitoes here in MO. They were EVERYWHERE! And, they were biting! We didn't spend long at the cache site when we finally found it as we were eager to leave the mosquito training grounds and get back to the car. Before getting in the car we did a tick check on everyone's hairlines. Then we left.
We'd been in the car for about two minutes when Joelle starts yelling, "Sugar bugs! Sugar bugs! They get on your skin, bite you and take your sugar!" It took a few seconds, but we finally realized that she was talking about chiggers! Jason stopped the car and we all jumped out swiping at our bodies and clothing. The "chiggers" were all over us and poor Chester. Swiping them was futile. We got back in the car and drove home as quickly as possible all the while picking "chiggers" off our bodies and clothing and throwing them out the window. At home, we all took showers, bathed Chester, and washed our clothes. Closer examination revealed that perhaps they weren't chiggers but actually seed ticks. Either way, that part wasn't fun. ☺
We've decided that we won't go traipsing around in the woods again until it gets a little cooler.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
...our first week of school...
I really like the "Book Basket" idea. We've added Geography books and free reading books. If we come to a lull - which is usually one child waiting for another child to complete a task so we can continue together - I can say, "Go grab a geography book from the book basket and read until we're ready." Other times I might say, "Free reading time." The kids know to go to the book basket and pick out whatever they want. The books are labeled Geography or General Reading with an approximate reading level.
(the girls during free reading)
Joelle posting a grammar rule to remember.
Examining our environment
(Joelle's - green; Barry's - blue)
This project was suppose to be for Thursday, but I hadn't gotten to the store to get the worms. So, we finished up this afternoon with the "Niche" project. We'll post more pictures as we observe our worms in their new environment. I also didn't have regular sand so we used colored sand that I had on hand. I'm hoping this doesn't cause any damage and will make for an interesting end result.
(**no worms were harmed in the making of this project. The "extras" were set free and our "helpers" will be set free when we are finished with our project.) ☺