Thursday, August 18, 2011

...humor gets us through...

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind! Joelle has made the move fun with her cute sayings. For example, as we were driving away from Virginia she was upset and said, "You guys don't understand how hard this is for me. I was BORN in Virginia, so I'm the only American in this family."

Later in the trip, she felt Barry was being impatient with her so she said, "Barry, Patience is a curd." Erin said, "That's not how you say it." And Joelle responded with, "Patience is acquired." She was close. And, yes, patience is acquired through much practice. After we laughed for awhile I explained it to her. She will never forget that "Patience is a virtue." :)

Since we got here, Joelle has turned out to be my accident prone child. The first night we arrived in town we had dinner at the Hazell's home and the Hill family joined us. After dinner, the adults (and older children) played a game upstairs while the young kids played in the basement. We were close to finishing our game when a loud thud boomed through the house. At first I thought it was thunder as it had been raining outside, but within a few seconds a very familiar cry was heard from downstairs. I ran downstairs to find Joelle had run into a support beam face first! She said her neck and back hurt, but, she was okay with only a bruise and scratch in the middle of her forehead and a scratch on her nose.

The next day she scraped her knee on brick and had a quarter size scab on her knee. There's been a couple other scrapes and bruises and for each of these she adds a band-aid. The band-aids she's been using leave "gick." (Joelle's word, of which we had a nice laugh about.)

Lastly, on the list of Joelle's funny phrases, she was sorting out large hangers and small hangers. Barry came into the room to get some hangers and he asked if she was almost finished. She placed her hand flat in the air, shook it a bit and said, "Ifty-bifty." Apparently this one means, Fifty-fifty. :)

*In my last post I said that some friends had "promised" to come visit. Actually, no one promised, but I hope you all plan to visit anyway. :)


  1. How funny! I love the funny things kids say. I hope you are all getting settled in.
